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How To Improve Productivity And Efficiency With Test Automation?


1. One Mistake And We Are Back To Square

This reminds me of the aphorism that one bad apple can spoil the whole good lot. Nowadays, mobile applications are built upon such feature sets. Every fortnight or so, each one of us is flooded with requests to update our apps from the Google play store. As the sophistication of every day apps escalate, the requirement for new test cases increase with the same frequency. However the reality is not so straightforward. Just a single update can cause the entire feature set to require a complete makeover. This also calls for the automated tests to be maintainable over an extended coverage of features affected, after every new update. If not, then it will require all the tests to be rewritten with enormously large number of modifications. Such a scenario is humanly impossible for manual testers to fit into, and is evidently not a sustainable model of working.

2. Sharpened Potency Of Test Cases:

As test effectiveness is bluntly defined as the rate at which the testing methodology detects bugs in development cycle of the product, Auto testing comes out as a clear winner over manual testing. This enhanced effectiveness results in a profoundly better quality of end product, thereby building on the all important customer satisfaction and expansion of a loyal user base.

3. Repeatability's Cure Is Automation:

Supporters of manual testing hide behind the banner of low cost of testing. Though the situation is manageable for projects built on a small scale, the story is quite the opposite with applications suiting larger ambitions. Agreed, the use of customized automation tools is hard on the pocket, but a giant sized project with its innumerable tests that are repetitive in nature, is a completely different proposition altogether. After judging on the effectiveness of re-usable automated tests that can be rerun 'n' number of times with no additional costs, it is quite hard to overlook the tremendous return of investment your project gets.

4. Efficiency Across Different Platforms:

With each new release of say a mobile application, its quality and ease of working should be replicated consistently over varied hardware configurations. This will want the source code to be modified and a consequent test run repeated each time. Manually completing these tasks for all development cycles would be cumbersome and hurt efficiency across all variants, for example, upgrading WhatsApp from Android devices to blackberry.

5. Humans vs. Machines:

It's a no- brainer that when it comes to delivering accurate results with countless testing spanning over painfully long cycles , something very common with huge projects, Automated testing is unmatched. Manual testing will not be able to act as a substitute for avoiding errors and missing on any crucial fine details, even with the best of expertise. Also, with complex sophistication being the norm with most of the apps, Auto testing is some distance ahead of manual testing in finding out hidden information.

6. Value Addition:

Workers released from the task of carrying out repetitive manual testing can gainfully divert their creative energies towards building more robust test cases with even more innovative features. This will obviously lead to organizations reaping the twin benefits of ameliorated quality in products as well as skill up gradation of its testers.

7. Combination with Devops:

With cent percent coverage and a quick scripting of test cases being the hallmarks of Auto testing, it's not so difficult to find out why automatic testing is a natural attribute of a Devops Environment


With so many factors having a having a deep bearing on the overall efficiency and the subsequent cost benefits to a an organisation, it wouldn't be incorrect to say that Automated testing is now a veritable asset to have



April 1, 2016

  • ThinkSys Team

