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Explain what you’re especially good at. What sets you apart? Use your own language—not jargon.



Job Title | Company | Dates From – To

Summarize your key responsibilities, leadership, and most stellar accomplishments. Don’t list everything; keep it relevant and include data that shows the impact you made.

Job Title | Company | Dates From – To

Think about the size of the team you led, the number of projects you balanced, or the number of articles you wrote.


Degree | Date Earned | School

You might want to include your GPA and a summary of relevant coursework, awards, and honors.

Degree | Date Earned | School

On the Home tab of the ribbon, check out Styles to apply the formatting you need with just a click.


To get started, click placeholder text and start typing. Be brief: one or two sentences.

Double-click “Your Name” in the header to add your name.





LinkedIn URL

Twitter handle

Link to other online properties: Portfolio/Website/Blog

Volunteer Experience or Leadership

Did you manage a team for your club, lead a project for your favorite charity, or edit your school newspaper? Go ahead and describe experiences that illustrate your leadership abilities.


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